Thursday, November 22, 2007

Deadline #13 HW #1 Grammar Assignment

For this week's grammar assignment, I decided to go back to the Purdue Owl website to look over sentence clarity. In my WP #3 I had a lot of sentences that were missing words or using wrong words that did not allow my paper to flow good. On the website, I looked at the different examples of sentence clarity from before (mistakes) to after (good). Each example referred to a different kind of sentence clarity mistake, such as multiple negatives, overusing noun forms of verbs, and go from old to new information. The examples let me see what kind of mistakes I was making, which was helpful. Using this information, I fixed my WP #3 and is ready as a final draft now.

This is a crucial part of keeping hunting in America because it shows that people are trying to hunt properly and give hunting a positive image. Family hunting traditions are in jeopardy because of the decreasing number of hunters. Since World War II, there has been increase in fatherless families. With fatherless families, hunting traditions are not passed on. There has been a strong push to recruit new hunters through education programs. In addition, to the family camaraderie, people can learn some valuable lessons about life. For example, many people learn patience while waiting for game, survival skills in the wild, appreciating the beauty of the land, respecting the animal, and making humane kills. My family hunting tradition means a lot to me and too many others. Hopefully people will see hunting not as a bloody sport, but has a family time in the outdoors.

On the other hand, anti-hunting groups and animal-rights activists have their reasons why hunting should be abolish in the United States. PETA and other organizations believe hunting is blood-thirsty and profit-driven. PETA states that state and federal agencies create wildlife management and conservation programs to boost the number of game species so hunters can kill and receive revenue from hunting licenses. PETA exaggerates the idea hunting is blood-thirsty and profit-driven. Hunting is more than just killing an animal. It is about being out with family and friends in the outdoors (tradition) enjoying what mother nature has given us. State and federal agencies created conservation and management programs not to raise the number of game species, but to improve the entire ecosystem. For example, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (pro-hunting organization) protects land for elk, but also benefits non-game species, such as birds, raccoons, beavers, etc. The habitats they protect have many benefits excluding boosting game species. The benefits include increasing access and recreational opportunities on public lands, such as hunting and fishing, greater opportunities for agricultural and ranchland families to continue working the land for generations to come, supporting resource-based economies of agriculture, forestry, recreation and tourism, preserving important historic, archeological, and cultural resources, and reducing tax-supported infrastructure and maintenance cost.

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