Thursday, September 6, 2007

Deadline #2 HW #6 Annotated Bibliography

U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance. Sportsmen Applaud President's Order to Promote Hunting. 17 Aug. 2007. U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance. 6 Sept. 2007.
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I found this article on Google Directory. It is a respectable source because the U.S. Sportmen's Alliance is a government funded foundation. The article is about President George W. Bush releasing the order, entitled “Facilitation of Hunting and Wildlife Conservation.” It directs all federal agencies to facilitate the expansion and enhancement of hunting opportunities, wildlife management and habitat. The order wants to increase hunting opportunities and make sure each state has healthy game populations. This source will be useful for my research because it discussed ways to keep hunting strong in our country so we and the wildlife can benefit.

Crary, David. Fewer U.S. hunters worries wildlife agencies. 5 Sep. 2007. Associated Press. 6 Sept. 2007.
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I found this article on ESPN Outdoors, the hunting section. I intially looked it up on Google. This is a respected source because the author of the article works for the Associated Press. The article is about the shrinking numbers of new hunters in the United States. Wildlife Agencies are worried about this because hunters spend a lot of money on licenses which support these agencies. The primary cause of less hunters are urbanization, can't afford time or money, and some actions of animal activists. This source is useful to my topic because it talks about the loss of hunters and how animal activists and organizations like this new trend. It brings up the concerning question of how do I save hunting in this country?

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